sebenta de anotações esparsas, pensamentos ociosos, reflexões cadentes, poemas difusos, introspecções de uma filosofia mais ou menos opaca dos meus dias (ou + reminiscências melómanas, translúcidas, intra e extra-sensoriais, erógenas, esquizofrénicas ou obsessivas dos meus dias)
cahier de notes éparses, pensées oisives, réflexions filantes, poèmes diffus, introspections d'une philosophie plus ou moins opaque de mes journées (ou + de réminiscences mélomanes, translucides, intra-sensorielles et extra-sensorielles, érogènes, schizophrènes ou obsessionnelles de mes journées)

terça-feira, 27 de julho de 2010

The roaring 1920's

June 12, 1920. Evening at Moe's. The worst gangsters of the Luxembourg Mob are there with their dames. Il Padrino was also there...

But when Smokey Joe started to full around
with Ines
Hot Beat ...

...Lucky Giorgio really got pissed off.

But worse: Jessie the Cat threatned with divorce... by murder.

But in the end of the evening, like in the cinemascope, there was an happy end and all the hot molls and dolls got lucky, if you know what i mean...

...and even the gangsters (and a gangsta-girl,
in white, Jessie The Cat)

posed for the photo (
hats down) almost incognito

Story should be revisioned as the video turns

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