sebenta de anotações esparsas, pensamentos ociosos, reflexões cadentes, poemas difusos, introspecções de uma filosofia mais ou menos opaca dos meus dias (ou + reminiscências melómanas, translúcidas, intra e extra-sensoriais, erógenas, esquizofrénicas ou obsessivas dos meus dias)
cahier de notes éparses, pensées oisives, réflexions filantes, poèmes diffus, introspections d'une philosophie plus ou moins opaque de mes journées (ou + de réminiscences mélomanes, translucides, intra-sensorielles et extra-sensorielles, érogènes, schizophrènes ou obsessionnelles de mes journées)

quarta-feira, 31 de outubro de 2007

the two reasons of my good mood


Spricket24, (aka Karen) lives in Minneapolis (USA) and posts very funny videos. She's allready becoming a star in the US and i can't spend a day whitout watching one of her hilarious videos...and feel in a good mood. She 's very talented and funny...oh, I think I allready said that ;-) Look at her videos on youtube or on her site.

... and Terra Naomi

Terra Naomi is amazing. I believe she's to be next big thing in the independent pop-rock scene. Her debut album is coming out on December but I don't resist to put again here this song ("say it's possible"), my favourite (i allready had posted another version of this song in April on my blog). Until June of this year, she was living in the state of New York, when she was discovered on Youtube, where she posted her songs on video. She's now based, since July, in London, and finished yesterday her first UK tour. Terra Naomi's site here

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