sebenta de anotações esparsas, pensamentos ociosos, reflexões cadentes, poemas difusos, introspecções de uma filosofia mais ou menos opaca dos meus dias (ou + reminiscências melómanas, translúcidas, intra e extra-sensoriais, erógenas, esquizofrénicas ou obsessivas dos meus dias)
cahier de notes éparses, pensées oisives, réflexions filantes, poèmes diffus, introspections d'une philosophie plus ou moins opaque de mes journées (ou + de réminiscences mélomanes, translucides, intra-sensorielles et extra-sensorielles, érogènes, schizophrènes ou obsessionnelles de mes journées)

terça-feira, 14 de agosto de 2007


This time, the desert will not win,

it will not swallow my longs with dust.

What happened after the storm

when the river broke the deck

before i even anchored into the estuary?

I don't want to remember that ominous day,

the gospel lied, the world didn't end.

From the towers, I see on the horizon

judgment day's black clouds

spreading through the numbed sky

anouncing thunder.

Is it worth to let the wind blow into the sails and save the ship?,

it endured already so many assaults!

Today, I'm not afraid anymore,

i knew this day would come.

The smell of blood and powder remains on my bold fingers,

I've done too much evil to escape now.

This time, my time is over.

The shockwave will not get me from the ground.

I'll close my mouth to the tsunami, I'll shut my eyes to the hurricane,

electricity will run through my body

but i'll still be standing,

laughing brashly to my executioners and slayers,

even if the crowd, claiming for a show,

will not ear my last words

"25 men on a dead man's chest,
yo ho ho and a bottle of rum!..."

I'm thirsty, but even the sky will open to save me anymore.


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